domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

At, on, in. Vamos a repasar las principales preposiciones de tiempo y lugar con este powerpoint.
At on in
View more PowerPoint from amsanzp

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Fotos de Londres

Hola a todos! Aquí os dejo unas fotos del viaje a Londres del año pasado. Espero que os gusten.
Viaje a Londres 2011

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day:
St. Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday. But in the US, we’ll take any excuse to party. Although there are many people whose families came here from Ireland, you don’t have to be an Irish immigrant to celebrate St. Patty’s Day, American-style. Just make sure you remember to wear green. Otherwise, you might get a pinch. Hear Devan and Jeff talk about their St. Patrick’s Day plans.

Words in the News

Words in the News: Will tourists be charged for trips up the the Big Ben clock tower? Words in the News: Towering fees for Big Ben: 16 March 2012

Price in

Price in:
New Entry: 'Price in' has just been added to the Phrasal Verbs area of

Speed Dating Lesson Plan

Speed Dating Lesson Plan:
Speed dating?! Yes, that's right. The basic idea behind speed dating is that you meet someone for a very short period of time, talk and see if there are common interests. That's the premise for this English lesson plan using speed dating as a way to quickly practice short role plays. Each student takes a part, practice a specific type of language function such as apologizing, or demanding an explanation, and then moves on to the next quick role play. It's a lot of fun, and students get into the various roles quickly.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Hoy vamos a repasar los pronombres.

Si pinchas en el enlace, encontrarás más ejemplos y ejercicios.

He gave her my book, but she said it was hers.:
The sentence in the title contains four similar elements:

he / she / it - subject pronouns

her - object pronoun

my - possessive adjective

hers - possessive pronoun

These pronoun charts provide an overview of each of these forms, as well as exercises to help students practice each form.

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012